Demonstration experimental system for water treatment based on singlet oxygen micro-nanobubbles
The project main objective is to develop and test a demonstration experimental system for water decontamination based on the action of micro and nano bubbles (micro-nanobubbles) containing reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen. The micro-nanobubbles include singlet oxygen and are generated by a photoactivated porous membrane containing photosensitizers functionalised carbon nanotubes and TiO2 nanoparticles.
Expected results
*achievement and characterization (spectroscopic, photophysical, optical, microfluidic) of the membrane containing the photoactive species (TiO2, PS), * the development of micro-nanobubbles generator system, find the proper functional parameters; *the development of irradiation system, establish its proper configuration and parameters; *assembling the laboratory experimental set-up, adjusting an optimization of its functional parameters, *test and validation of the system, asses the capacity for water decontamination of organic pollutants and disinfection efficiency by biological assay.