Chaotic Technology for Experimenting the Crypto-Systems: Methods and Platforms

Project code:
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019- 5283
Project number:
PED 420/2020
Funding bodies:
Demonstration experimental project (PED)
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR)
Project Partner (P1):
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
Project Leader:
Dr. Ionut Relu Andrei
Start date:
End date:

The project main objective is to develop and test a chaotic technology for experimenting the methods / techniques and platforms used in encryption systems based on two synchronized ECSL chaotic laser generators, demonstration experimental system realized as an integrated, computer-controlled device (Experimental chaotic device). Within the project we start from two existing external-cavity semiconductor lasers (ECSL) systems, one with control of the chaotic emission dynamics through the injection current modulation and the other through the electro-optic phase modulation, coupled optically and with their chaotic dynamics synchronized; we will develop a hardware and software platform for an automated computer control of all sub-assemblies. So, we will able for input/output data control, so that the entire assembly becomes a device for testing the chaotic encoded techniques, as well as software platforms. The presented chaotic device aims to test and better understand basic concepts of cryptographic systems based on nonlinear chaotic dynamic of laser emission.

Expected results

Experimental chaotic device based on two optically coupled and dynamically synchronized ECSL lasers, with an emission dynamic control by modulation;

Chaotic device developed and optimized for an automated control of operation;

Demonstration model of the Chaotic device developed for experimenting the selected crypto-systems (encryption methods/ techniques or platforms).

Project Team
Project Leader:
Dr. Ionut Relu Andrei, CS III
CO-Team Members:
Dr. Mihai Lucian Pascu, CS I
Dr. Catalin Mihai Ticos, CS I
Dr. Sandel Simion, IDT III
Dr. Angela Staicu, CS I
Dr. Viorel Vasile Nastasa, CS III
Dr. Mihai Boni, CS III
Dr. Adriana Smarandache, CS III
Dr. Andra Dinache, CS III
Dr. Tatiana Tozar, CS III
Dr. Florin Garoi, CS III
Agota Simon, ACS
Dr. Ana Maria Udrea, ACS
Marian Cojocaru, TI
P1-Project Responsible:
Dr. Mircea Bulinski, Assoc. Prof.
Outreach of the project

Stage Reports

Nov-Dec 2020

Stage 1: Design and implementation of the Chaotic Experimental Device; implementation of the numerical model.

Activity 1.1: Design and achieve the optically coupled chaotic laser system. Implementation of a numerical simulation model.


Up-date about the concept model within project specific detailed activities considering the latest literature reports; elaboration of experimental model fundament;

Achieve the experimental set-up by coupling and synchronize two ECSL systems (C-ECSL or Chaotic device).

Selection and purchase of the experimental set-up proper components and soft.

Identification and implementation of the numerical model for Chaotic device emission dynamic simulation;

Jan-Dec 2021

Stage 2: Development of the Chaotic Experimental Device, with remote control; development of the numerical model.

Activity 2.1: Development of the experimental device with emission dynamics control by current modulation (CI) and electro optics (EO); achieving the integrated control; achieving and development of the numerical model.


Development and optimization of the Chaotic device with emission dynamic control by CI and EO modulations and integrated control; encoded methods (techniques) implementation and preliminary tests;

Development and optimization of the hardware and software platform for automate control; tests of Chaotic device into a remote control operation mode.

Simulation of chaotic dynamics of the device emission for regimes of operation and chaotic synchronization of interest;

Evaluation of the experimental device performances and comparation with numerical results requirements



C. Onea, I.R. Andrei, P.E. Sterian, M.L. Pascu, M. Bulinski, Numerical simulation of chaotic multimode dynamics of a semiconductor laser optical coupled with two external cavities, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, 83, 1, 259–270, WOS:000627614800024 (2021).

A. Simon, A.Smarandache, T. Tozar, I.R. Andrei, A. Stoicu, J.J.W.A. van Loon, A. Dowson, M.L. Pascu, Photoactive chlorpromazine and promazine drugs exposed to hypergravity conditions after interaction with UV laser radiation, Acta Astronautica 189, 260-268, DOI10.1016/j.actaastro.2021.08.038 (2021).

A.M. Udrea, A. Dinache, J.M. Pages, R.A. Pirvulescu, Quinazoline Derivatives Designed as Efflux Pump Inhibitors: Molecular Modeling and Spectroscopic Studies, Molecules 26, 8 , article number2374, DOI10.3390/molecules26082374 (2021).

S. Avram, AM Udrea, DC Nuta, C. Limban, AC Balea, MT Caproiu, F. Dumitrascu, C. Buiu, AT Bordei,Synthesis and Bioinformatic Characterization of New Schiff Bases with Possible Applicability in Brain Disorders, Molecules 26, 14, art. no. 4160, DOI10.3390/molecules26144160 (2021).


I.R. Andrei, C.S. Onea, Paul E. Sterian, M.L. Pascu, M. Bulinski, Dynamical Characterisation and Numerical Simulation of Multimode Semiconductor Laser Subject to Double Optical Feedback, PIERS 2021 Hangzhou – Part 1 (on-line), 22 November 2021, OA1b-5-SC1 Poster session (No. 210719093132),, Hangzhou, China.

C. Onea, P.E. Sterian, I.R. Andrei, M.L. Pascu, M. Bulinski, Numerical simulation of chaotic multimode dynamics of a semiconductor laser optical coupled with two external cavities, Annual Scientific Conference of Faculty of Physics,, Magurele, Romania, June 18, 2021.

Jan-Sep 2022

Stage 3: Testing and validation of the demonstration model.

Activity 3.1: Testing of the cryptographic systems.


Tests of the demonstration model of Chaotic device for experimenting the selected crypto-system methods and platforms.

Development and optimization of the numerical model of Chaotic device dynamics with implemented chaotic crypto-systems.

Activity 3.2: Validation of the demonstration laboratory model.


Final tests and validation of the demonstration model of Chaotic device for experimenting the selected crypto-system methods and platforms.

Elaboration of final technical and scientific report for the demonstrative model.



Udrea, A.M.; Dinache, A.; Staicu, A.; Avram, S.; "Target Prediction of 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4′-Sulfonatophenyl)-Porphyrin Using Molecular Docking" Pharmaceutics 14(11), 2390 (2022)

Simon, A; Tozar, T; Smarandache, A; Boni, M; Stoicu, A; Dowson, A; Van Loon, JJWA;Pascu, ML; Stability Studies of UV Laser Irradiated Promethazine and Thioridazine after Exposure to Hypergravity Conditions, MOLECULES 27(5):AR 1728 (2022);

Andrei, I.R.; Simion, S.; Garoi, F.; Bulinski, M.; Pascu, M.L.; Optical cryptographic communications with non-identical chaotic laser systems, Romanian Reports in Physiscs, under evaluations


Smarandache, A.; Möller, R.; Pascu, M.L.; Stability investigation of gamma-ray irradiated antibiotics, RAD 2022 Conference (Spring Edition), 13-17 June 2022, Herceg-Novi, Montenegro

Andrei, I.R.; Onea, C.S.; Pascu, M.L.; Bulinski, M; Numerical model and simulation of the multimode visible emission of a chaotic laser device,The 15th Chaotic Modelling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS-2022), virtual participation, Athens, Greece, June 14 - 17, 2022.

Andrei, I.R.; Simion,S.; Ticos, C.; Pascu,M.L.; Bulinski, M.; Chaotic Laser Device for Crypto-Systems Testing, 20th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics (IBWAP2022), July 12-15, 2022, Constanţa, Romania.

Andrei, I.R.; Simion, S.; Ticos, C.; Boni, M.; Nastasa, V.; Pascu, M.L.; Bulinski, M.; Chaotic Technology for Experimenting Crypto-Systems, The International Conference on Lasers, Plasma, and Radiation – Science and Technology (ICLPR-ST 2022), June 7-10, 2022, Bucharest, Romania


Accesarea Aplicatiei de control de la distanta a sistemului C-ECSL se realizeaza urmand pasii: (1) se inainteaza la adresa de e-mail: ionut.andrei(at) o solicitare de acces pentru stabilirea datei de conectare; (2) conctare prin internet se va realiza utilizand aplicatia /AnyDesk/user: 932549423, unde in urma acceptului de conectare, utilizator va avea acees la Aplicatia de control CTECrypt instalata pe PC-ul dedicat experimentului; dupa accesarea acesteia utilizatorul va avea posibilitatea sa opereze Dispozitivul experimental urmand pasii din protocoalele de operare din Raportul de faza 3 al proiectului, dar puse si la dispozitia utilizatorului.

Tehnologia haotica dezvoltata, respectiv Dispozitivul experimental haotic C-ECSL, a fost (este) cuprinsa in filmul de popularizare a INFLPR (institutia CO) in cadrul Saptamanii Portilor Deschise - 2022, respectiv la adresa , in data de 20 septembrie 2022 (imaginea alaturata/captura ecran).

Directorul de proiect (CTECrypt) este membru in echipa de lucru a INFLPR care este implicata in parteneriatul cu „Asociatia Qolony – Colonia pentru Arta si Stiinta” in vederea realizarii proiectului „Uncanny Order” depus spre finantare la AFCN , sesiunea I – 2023. Parteneriatul are ca obiectiv implementare unui proiect/program cultural de popularizare a stiintei prin arta (in cazul de faza a domeniului „haos” din fizica laserilor).